Teachers, et al
These people were about half the age we are now when they taught us...and we were less than a third of the age we are now.
These people were about half the age we are now when they taught us...and we were less than a third of the age we are now.

Looking back --  the pictures of these people, at our teachers, in our last yearbook...these are mostly pictures of people much younger than we are today, but they were grown ups, then, and we had vast perceptual and experiential differences...teachers and students, and we did not pay them, the teachers or the differences, enough attention.  
Thank you, now...all of you who taught us and took such good care of us while we were at Fairview.

Coach Bob Foster died in January 2010.  A large ceremony was held in Boulder in honor of his life, attended by a great number of people whose lives he had affected over many years of coaching and teaching at Fairview and Boulder High Schools.  

We would like to find as many teachers, or find out about them, as we can. 
We include  counselors and cooks, janitors and principals among our teachers...send information to

Tell us where can we find information about....

Joe E. and Tom L....like sands through the hourglass of our lives...drift like Kal-el and Jor-El into our imaginations, Supermen, both, like father and son, a part of our own Trinity...with Edwin M....

Mrs. Coulson, Mr. Creese, and Mr. Danielson, our Counselors; as was, once upon a time, Mrs. Rupert...

Mrs. Nelson, our School Nurse, and  Mr. Conway, our Speech Therapist.

Mrs. Cox, and Mrs. Andrus, and Mrs. Hoos, who ran the office

Mr. Ferris, Mr. Ellison,  Mr. Wilson, Mr. Edgerton, Mr. Rutt, Mr. Jones, 
who cleaned and kept Fairview running from day to day.

Mrs. Lindstrom, who was the Library Clerk to Mrs. Reese, The Head Librarian....

Where is .....

Miss Winnie Winquist of Math  

Mr. White of Chemistry and our State Champion Gymnastics coach

Mr. Vorreiter of Indstrial Arts and Shop

Miss Eloise Timmons of Social Studies and Teen Dems advisor

Mr. Smith of English and Art

Mr. Nelson Sampson of Art and Russian

Mrs. Ruppenthal of  French and German

Mrs. Dorothy Rupert of English, Teen Republicans and Teen Democrats and Student Council Advisor 

Mr. Poet of  Science and of  Mathematics

Mr. Nason of Social Studies

Mrs. Murphy of Physical Education

Miss Moore of English

Mrs Medrick of English and Social Studies

Mrs. McCart of English and Journalsim,  who was also Yearbook and Royal Banner advisor

Mrs. Rita Majors,  who taught us Speech and Drama in a most charming and effective way

Mr. Lewis of Special Education

Mr. R. Kucera, whose name was pronounced Kutera, but you never wanted to ask why, who taught Social Studies and coached Wrestling

Mr. Jeffrey of The Band and Music

Mr. Irwin, Math teacher, twice to some of us

Mrs. Ingwersen of Science

Mr. Huber of Shop, or was it Industrial Arts

Mr. George Hoos,  Geography, Social Studies, Coach of Golfers, Father of Golfers, and still a  neighbor of the school building....

Mr. Hugo Hartenstein, English and Spanish, and running fast, he taught.  Once co-holder of the world record in the 100 yard dash, a refugee from Cuba, and a freedom fighter who owned Palladin Press.

Mr. Holder, also of Industrial Arts

Mrs. Harrison, who taught Business and played Bridge for Green Stamps all over America and had a novel first name.

Mrs. Haden, Home Economics

Mr. Forstrom of Music

Dr. Ruth Flowers, who taught civility, French, Latin, and Spanish, and was a giant little woman.

Mr. Farrell of Science    

Mrs. Turner of English

Mrs. Dowe who taught Business, too.

Mrs. Deets, English      

Mrs. Danielson, Latin

Mrs. Luther Cress, who pithed frogs, taught Biology, and put the prettiest girls in the front row for some reason I could never figure out...

Mr. Creese, Social Studies, Counselor, Varsity Basketball and Junior Varsity Football and Wrestling coach, who recently died in Boulder, and taught up to the end of his life. 

Mrs. Barbara Carlson, English, about whom not enough could ever be said....

Mrs. Susie Noel,  who taught Physical Education and will be with us, we hope,  at the reunion

Mr. Butz of English       

Mrs. Burton who taught Reading, in English

Mr. Boswell, taught Social Studies and coached various sports

Mr. Bennington, another Business teacher

Mr. Baldwin, who taught Math and had a cool goatee and mustache

Mrs. Baker of Math

We know a few of  these people have died, gone on. passed away, expired, lost their lease on life, and have left us all to mourn them and write their eulogies, so let us do that in all good faith and conscience....
Ruth Majors     Barbara Carlson  Don Creese    Dr. Ruth Flowers
Eloise Timmons     Joe E. Ripple   Nelson Sampson

Dan Fogelberg shares this story with us about Fairview Art Teacher Nelson Sampson:

 I'd like to say a few words about Nelson Sampson, a man who had an
enormous impact on my life, and who died several years before our last
reunion. For reasons which I promise will become evident, a couple of
my other teachers must also be woven into this story. When I entered
FHS as a confused and terrified 10th grader, I was convinced that I was
headed toward a career in physics. My natural ability to B.S. had
helped me win the Colorado-Wyoming Science Fair as a 9th grader, and a
subsequent trip to the National Science Fair and appearances on TV and
in the World Book Encyclopedia had done nothing to disabuse me of the
notion that I had a talent for science. When I got to Fairview, I
didn't know it, but the direction of my life was about to change.

In rapid succession, I encountered the two people most likely to derail
my career as a physicist: "Winnie" Winquist and "Cherokee Jim"
Arlington. Winnie, bless her heart, ran the most sweetly out of control
classroom I'd ever seen. Determining the trajectory of spitwads into
the heating vents turned out to be a less than efficient method for
absorbing the intricacies of geometry. It didn't help that some of the
those projectiles actually joined Point A and Point B on the blackboard
as Winnie bravely tried to connect them. Not only did I emerge from
that class without any actual knowledge of geometry, but I was totally
unprepared for my next mathematical experience, Algebra I with Mr.
Arlington. "Cherokee Jim," as we called him behind his back, had
evidently been traumatized in the oil fields of Oklahoma. When someone
discovered that the words "consulting geologist" were good for a
red-faced rant that would occupy the rest of the class period, we had a
reliable method for avoiding a math lecture any time we wished. We
wished pretty often, it turns out. With a brand new textbook in the
"new math," our teacher was as clueless as we were about the subject,
and the whole thing lurched toward the predictable conclusion. When
most of the class bombed the mid-term, we went to Mr. Ripple, who
intervened on our behalf. Cherokee Jim's tearful apology to our class
was the single most embarrassing classroom moment in my high school

By this time, though, I had encountered Nelson Sampson. Sam was a
revelation: tanned a deep brown from his summer job as a skin-diving
instructor in Acapulco, with a gap-toothed grin and gravelly voice, he
was clearly the loose cannon on the FHS faculty. He encouraged me to
explore, experiment and take risks with my art, and ignited a passion
that has lasted throughout my life. He saw things in me that I didn't
know were there, and had faith in me that I know for sure I didn't
deserve. In many ways, Sam was what I realized I wanted to be: an
artist, an iconoclast, a Zorba-like character who lived life to the
fullest. He was a friend of Beat legends Jack Kerouak and Neal Cassidy,
he had a house full of art and he wasn't afraid to take risks. I didn't
know until later how dangerous his life really was. When the school
district fired him, they didn't even have the courage to give the real
reason: Sam was gay, and they couldn't abide that. It's sad, because
Sam was precisely the kind of teacher we need more of.

Though he never admitted it, I'm sure Sam influenced his friends on the
CU faculty when they awarded me an art scholarship. I spent seven years
there taking as many art classes as I could manage. After flirting with
the idea of becoming a college professor, I decided to become a high
school art teacher. I did a lot of learning on the job, but from the
first I was determined that my students should have the opportunity to
explore art and to discover who they were through that art. Rigid
curriculum wasn't going to get in the way of authentic expression.
Because of what I learned from Sam about how to be in the world, I
found my place as a teacher. When I was honored in 1993 as Colorado Art
Educator of the Year, Sam was no longer here to thank, but I thanked
him anyway. And a couple of years later, when a student asked me to
become the faculty sponsor for one of the first Gay-Straight Alliances
in Colorado, I knew I had found a fitting way to acknowledge Sam's
legacy. I only wish he had lived to see it happen.

—Dan Fogelberg, FHS Class of 1966

We know where George Hoos and Susie Noel are, and I can find Dorothy Rupert, and Mr. Finniseth from Douglas Jr. High is somewhere in Alaska with Kathie Collins, but someone has to help out with all the rest of the people who taught us and who ran the school and who kept the school running...email us if you know where anyone of these people are, please: staff@fhs66.com

Teachers pictured from the top left to the bottom right are:

            Dr. Ruth Flowers       Mr. Forstrom

Coach Bob Foster      Mrs. Haden      Mrs. Harrison

               Mr. Holder       Mr. Hugo Hartenstein

A short biography of Dorothy Rupert taken from  http://1000peacewomen.org.  
Mrs. Rupert was nominated for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize:

Dorothy Rupert (born 1926) served 35 years as a public high school teacher and counselor, 14 more years in the Colorado House and Senate, and decades in the peace and women's rights/human rights movements. She has consistently supported education, relentlessly and courageously tackled difficult legislative issues, and traveled the globe for peace. Dorothy embodies commitment, passion, vitality, caring, sincerity, never-give-up determination, and joy. As she nears 80, these traits shine more brightly than ever.

Teachers pictured from top left  to bottom right are:

                   Mrs. Baker        Mr. Baldwin

       Mrs. Bennington      Mr. Boswell        Mrs. Burton

                Mr. Butz           Mrs. Susie Noel

Teachers pictured from top left to bottom right are:

 Mrs. Barbara Carlson     Mr. Larry Creese       Mr. Luther Cress

           Mrs. Danielson     Mrs. Deets

Mrs.  Dowe       Mrs. Turner       Mr. Farrell