Once a Knight...
Carol, Gayle, Petur, Theresa...recurring parts of the Reunion Committee
Carol, Gayle, Petur, Theresa...recurring parts of the Reunion Committee
Privileged to be in Boulder, and to be us, at Fairview, at a special time in a special place.

Whether we came from somewhere else, grew up here and went to Casey, Douglas, Baseline or Centennial, whether we lived in the city, Martin Acres, Table Mesa, or out on the farm as far as Lafayette or Louisville, or Gunbarrel, we were very lucky.

We were Boulder in the 1960's, growing up and living in a place and time that have both become legendary.   That is the starting point of the story for those of us who were together in that place and time. 

Over the next few months and in and out of these pages, the Reunion Committee of Fairview's Class of 1966 hopes to have you tell us the rest of the story about us.

There are places on this website where you can leave messages, tell stories, enter information into a Guestbook, arrange to meet each other. You can e-mail us anything you'd like, stories, lessons, pictures, 
to theresa@TheresaBlanding.com

Tell us all what did Fairview and Boulder in those times mean to us?
What have you been and done in the intervening forty years of our lives?
Who did you become and who did you bring along the way? 
Where are we going now, and what are we doing when we get there?

There are a lot things to talk about, or not, as you see fit.

But, please, take a look around, and put July 8-10, 2016 on your calendar for a trip to Boulder to spend a little time together, okay? 

Aerial of our Fairview High from the southwest over Marshall Road and Baseline.
Aerial of our Fairview High from the southwest over Marshall Road and Baseline.
Fourteen and fifteen year olds, some maybe even thirteen, entered the doors of Fairview High School in late August of 1963 for the first time. 

We were overwhelmed, as we were by much of the world around us, by this labyrinth of criss crossing hallways, a sea of linoleum flooring and, mostly, by each other.

Most kids in Boulder back then, in 1963, were not quite the sophisticates the young adults of this day and age are. 

Today's adolescents are often young old people,
armed with years of yuppie parenting,  ideas of bling bling, hip hop, pimped rides, vast Cribs belonging to other precocious teenagers, and attitude. 

We did not have those complications as we went through our adolescence. We had Mickey Mouse Club. Our cultural training came from Sheriff Scotty, Captain Midnight and Magic Decoder rings, Ozzie and Harriet, Ricky Nelson, Elvis, Ferlin Husky, and Howdy Doody.

Donald Duck, Donna Reed, Annette Funicello, Shirley Temple, Herb Score, Mikey Mantle, President Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Jackie with her pill box hats, Lassie and Rin Tin Tin.  Looming on the horizon was the war in Viet Nam, but we didn't know it yet.  

Drugs were things like cough syrup and maybe aspirin in a Coca Cola -- not crack cocaine, ice methamphetamine, heroin or Ecstacy.

We knew precious little about sex, except that we were scared of it, and that we longed to figure out what it was.
Those of us who grew up on farms or ranches knew a lot about it, but few of us had figured out how it applied to us.

We came to our almost five year old school building from the suburbs, and from the farms, since Boulder High still took in most of the kids from downtown and the University Hill area. 

We were underdogs, and lots of us were countrified, but we were fresh and strong and ready to take on the world. 

From day one and that feeling of being lost and little in a place we weren't really sure we wanted to know much about to owning the place as Seniors and walking away from Macky Auditorium at C.U. with a Diploma in hand is what we are trying to remember here...bring a little of those times back with you th share on this website between now and July 21st and 22nd when we see you here in Boulder.  

The breadth and depth of experience we have each gained over forty years is something we, maybe, don't take time enough to think about as we are going about our daily business.  It is time to give it some thought, since we are more than half the way to where we're going.  We hope you will share some of that thought with us, and we can make this time something more than just saying hello over drinks and dinner. 
We graduated with a ceremony at The Macky Auditorium.  We got our diplomas from Principal Joe Ripple.  On the way to get mine, I caught the sleeve of my bright red graduation gown on the stair rail at the left stage entrance, and ripped the sleeve, then walked up to Mr. Ripple and got the bright red Diploma folder...